Mercedes a anunţat la Salonul
de la Geneva că va prezenta un nou supercar, întruchipare a celebrului
Gullwing şi ca să vedem că vorbesc serios îl autospionează şi ne spun
că se va numi Mercedes SLS.
Iniţial s-a crezut că noul model se va numi Mercedes SLC,
dar până la urmă germanii au dat cărţile pe faţă şi au aunuţat că se va
numi SLS şi va fi o întruchipare contemporană a clasicului Mercedes
300SL. Modelul este încă departe de forma finală, dar
inginerii din Sttutgart au pus la cale o şedinţă de spionaj profi
pentru a îl prefaţa.
După cum se poate observa Mercedes SLS va fi mai mic decât actualul
Mercedes SLR, dar şi mai uşor, datorită cadrului realizat integral din
aluminiu. Puterea va proveni din motorul tradiţional AMG V8 de 6.2 litri, ce dezvoltă 563 CP.
Întreaga putere rezultată din blocul amplasat în spatele axei frontale
va merge către puntea spate prin intermediul unei transmisii cu dublu
ambreiaj şi şapte rapoarte. Prin intermediul sistemului Race Start
sprintul până la 100 km/h este garantat în 3.8 secunde.
Preţul nu a fost comunicat, dar se ştie că producţia nu va depăşi 200 de unităţi, deci va fi normal ca Mercedes să ceară destul de mult pentru fiecare din aceste exemplare.
Categorie: AUTO |
Vizualizari: 632 |
Adaugat de: uN1kTuL
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Total comentarii : 1
MikeJune 8, 2013 lloyd, you were mistaken. They cbleerated a successful shoot, not a successful loop. I live in Hope not 30 miles from that tunnel and work as a paramedic there, 30+ years now. The loop is CGI and never happened. All photoshopped. Stop the action in a video and see, In a popular one the car enters the tunnel obviously northbound, and seen at 2:03 the tunnel properly arcs to the right as it does to a northbound vehicle. Stop it again at 2:10 as the car exits' the ramp and the tunnel is seen arcing to the left now, making the car appear to be traveling southbound! Turning around at that speed in the tunnel would have been a better trick, never mind the loop!Of course what they did was build only half the ramp, use it for the approach and enter shot, and for the exit scene merely reversed the image and made a car appear to be exiting the loop via one continuous ramp, but of course the tunnels bend will be reversed too. They gambled that in the quick image no one would notice, and apparently they were right!More significant is that at 2:08 the light bars on both sides that run the length of the tunnel can clearly be seen to have been photoshopped out. They had to be, they are not removable, it's actually lighting fixed to a concrete ledge protrusion cast into the concrete of the tunnel wall. Looking at the tunnel today there is no new concrete repair where the existing ledge had been removed and replaced. All concrete is same old colour from the original construction in 1961.In any case, had this stunt been undertaken then emergency services would have been made aware of it and I have no information that anything like this was ever done, not in the last 30 years. The camera crew set up for plenty of footage alright but actually performing that loop? Uh-uh. Fooled ya .Not that it is any less cool looking. Nice Fraser Canyon views too.